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Is USENET Good for News?


If you are pretty new to the USENET system, the name “newsgroup” may confuse you a bit. There are, in fact, some USENET groups that are about news specifically. The use of the term news on the USENET system, however, doesn’t necessarily refer to the breaking news of the day. That being said, this can be a great source of discussion about such items.

News and USENET

For the moment, we will just use the term “news” to refer to news in the normal sense. This means, we will be talking about news in terms of news stories that deal with politics, entertainment, weather and so forth. If this is what you’re after, USENET is a unique place to get information about the news and can be one of the likeliest places to engage in conversations about it.

The easiest way to find breaking news stories on USENET is to look for a group that specifically has to do with the subject of the story. For instance, if you’re interested in a news item that applies to Internet developers, look for any of the computer groups that cover that subject area. Chances are, somebody has posted a news story and there is already discussion going on about it. This is the easiest way to find any news item on the USENET system, in most cases.

If you’re looking for USENET newsgroups that are specific to a particular political bent, you’re not going to have any difficulty. Depending upon your disposition, these newsgroups have some of the liveliest or most annoying conversations on the entire system. Remember that, if you’re consistently irritated with what you see posted in a particular newsgroup, there are literally tens of thousands of other newsgroups that you can choose from. If you hang around in a newsgroup where you feel constantly annoyed, you’re probably going to end up becoming a troll, so it’s best to leave.

The sciences are huge on the USENET system. If you’re interested in science news and you can’t seem to find any newsgroups with posts relating to a story that caught your eye, simply add a link to the story that applies. There is a very good chance that people will follow that link, start reading the story and start articles based upon what they’re reading. It’s really not too hard to start a conversation about any given news item on the USENET system. Sometimes, you have to be proactive and be the person who initiates the conversation, however.

The USENET service can propagate information very quickly, which makes it an ideal format for discussing breaking news items. Most of the time, people do look elsewhere for specific news items, usually on the Internet. When you want to discuss items in more depth, however, the USENET system can provide a great service to you. Remember that any news story items you post should be posted to a relevant newsgroup. For example, simply because you are an active participant in an astronomy newsgroup doesn’t mean that a news story about sports needs to be posted in that particular group.

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